On His Own Released!

Three years ago, six stir-crazy filmmakers set out to make an experimental motion picture. On His Own is now available to watch for free at OnHisOwnExperiment.com

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Anyone living in 2020 is well aware that COVID-19, a.k.a. The Coronavirus, has thrown everything we once depended on for stability up into the air with no regard for our individual plans, goals, hopes, or fears. BUT fear not! ON HIS OWN is here and our contemporary silent picture is the perfect watch for your self-isolation days. With more than six musical scores available, you can join Oscar and his Rubber Ducky as they look for love in a lonely world.

You can watch ON HIS OWN for free! If your one of the lucky ones with a little extra cheddar lying around, consider making a donation. These are strange times. It is the hope of the filmmakers that our laid-back little motion picture will alleviate some of the panic and anxiety we are experiencing as a community. Enjoy!

#experimental #independent #interactive #movie #slow